Thursday, May 6, 2010


What can I say Zack loves Elmo!

It all started when he was 6-7 months old. when i was nursing him one morning and trying to find something good to watch on t.v.(we only have basic t.v. :P) I surfed into Elmo's World and when Zack heard Elmo's cute little voice he sat up and looked at the t.v. and grinned from ear to ear and started to cooed. YES!!! My Monkey loves Elmo!!! that was the start of it all; of loving Elmo.

For Christmas he got a little stuff Elmo and a Kiss me Elmo that his aunt Becky gave him which he loves very much.

In January Zack was playing with his smaller Elmo and he confused it with his big Kiss Me Elmo. It just made me laugh watching him trying to get his little Elmo to perform. Finally, I had to explain to Zack that his little Elmo does not do that only his big Kiss Me Elmo did.

What can I say my monkey loves Elmo,Monkeys,his blanket, chuck trucks, books, balls,passies etc... My monkey just likes a myriad of things -- he is a well rounded kid.

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