Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jesus want me for a sunBEAM!

Zack is in sunbeams now. He was crying at first. But so were a lot of other little sunbeams since it is very different. They went into a big room with lots of people in it and they are use to going to nursery which it is in a classroom. But he was fine after a while.

It is so hard to believe that my Zack my monkey is a sunbeam now and he has the same sunbeam teacher that I did. He is growing up so fast. But, every parent says that about their child. Next month Max my little monkey goes into nursery witch is the first step and he will be separated for Ben and I for 2hrs. If he doesn't cry for a long time.

I love my boys so much and Ben and I are doing the best that we can to raise them right. Have them be good, rightouse, humble, hard working men.

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