Thursday, January 12, 2012

2nd time 5 generation

1st Gordon Dureny 2nd Carl Durney 3rd Carolyn (Durney)Ipson
4th Benjamin Ipson 5th Zackary & Maxwell Ipson

While we were out in UT for Thanksgiving we took a day trip to up to Blackfoot, ID to see Ben's great grandpa Durney and to get another 5 generation picture. Ben's great grandpa will be 102 this February. He still lives on his own, and his mind is still very sharp.

This time when we went we took two copies of the Book of Mormon, one for each of our sons, so that he can sign them. Then their great grandpa can, then their grandma, then their daddy. When they get older (when they get married) they will get it and then they will sign it. This will
become a family heirloom, being passed down from generation to generation.

What a great gift this will be.